Spooky Spectral Views of Earth from Deep Space: ESA’s Hera Mission

4 months ago

In celebration of Halloween, the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Hera asteroid mission has captured breathtaking images of Earth in multiple spectral bands, revealing an eerie and fascinating glimpse of our planet from deep space.

HyperScout H: Unveiling the Unseen

The HyperScout H instrument, a hyperspectral imager on board the Hera spacecraft, detects colors beyond human vision across 25 spectral bands, ranging from visible light to near-infrared (650-950 nm). These images, taken on October 11, showcase the instrument’s capabilities and offer a unique perspective on our planet.

False Color Imagery

The images are displayed in false color using the TwilightShifted palette, a color map that represents light intensity by transitioning from bluish black to purplish white and then into reddish black. This visualization technique highlights the spectral diversity of Earth’s features.

Insights from Deep Space Imaging

According to Marcel Popescu, instrument team member, “These images allow us to observe cloud patterns from a distance of nearly 2,000,000 km away and test the sharpness of our data processing algorithms.”

Calibration and Future Missions

The successful calibration test demonstrates HyperScout H’s readiness for its primary mission: prospecting the mineral makeup of the Dimorphos asteroid. The instrument will also be trained on Mars and its moon Deimos during a swingby in March.

Hera: ESA’s Planetary Defense Mission

Hera is the ESA’s first planetary defense mission, aimed at gathering close-up data about the Dimorphos asteroid, which was impacted by NASA’s DART spacecraft in 2022.

Image Gallery

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